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Writer's pictureAvere Beauty

What You Need to Know About Lip Augmentation?

Updated: May 24, 2024

Are you about to get lip augmentation in Pittsburgh? There are some crucial things you should be aware of before your treatment. It’s vital that you understand what type of procedure is best for you, what to do beforehand and how to find the right service. Let’s take a closer look and unpack the most important things you need to know about lip augmentation.

What is Lip Augmentation?

Lip augmentation refers to the cosmetic procedures that are designed to alter how your lips look via filler injections. Lip augmentation is generally used by people seeking to make their lips look fuller or smoother.

Types of Lip Augmentation

There are several types of lip augmentations, including fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane and Voluma. In turn, these brands have their own sub-types of injections that might, for example, offer you more or less volume based on your needs. Juvederm is a favorite lip augmentation in Pittsburgh, with popular fillers such as Juvederm Ultra XC and Juvederm Voluma XC offering softer and firmer lip results respectively.

How Long Does it Last?

This can depend on the procedure, and whether you’re doing a simple lip filler or a lip-flip. One of the most popular injectables is Juvederm Ultra XC, which can last up to a year before you need another treatment. Some lip augmentation will provide you with dramatic, instant results that last a short while, while some will provide you with a longer-lasting and more subtle aesthetic – it’s all up to you!

What’s the Procedure Like?

Every med spa has its own routines, but most lip augmentation procedures are relatively simple and pain-free. You can expect a medical professional to perform the procedure, and they’ll start by applying a numbing gel or cream. Once that’s done, you should just feel a small pinch of the injection needle. Be sure to follow any medical instructions, and let your care team know how you’re feeling too.

Preparing for Treatment

There are some things you should be sure to keep in mind before your lip augmentation in Pittsburgh. While the bar scene might be fun, it’s a good idea to avoid alcohol during recovery as it could interrupt the healing process or diminish the results of your procedure. You’ll also want to keep your skin clean and fresh, without any chemicals or makeup that could interfere with the procedure. And don’t skip out on the water either – lip injections can act as dehydrators for a short time, so it’s good to have a refillable water bottle with you.

Avoid Over-Fillers

One last crucial thing to be aware of is over-fillers. These are medical spas and other centres that push extra filler on you so they can make a greater profit. This can ruin the aesthetic you’re going for, and even cause discomfort. You should try your best to find a company that speaks transparently about their lip augmentation services and understands that they have a responsibility to acknowledge the needs of different customers honestly.

Overall, there’s a lot to know before getting a lip augmentation in Pittsburgh. Make sure that you take the time to figure out which type of treatment is best for your needs, prepare yourself physically and mentally for the procedure and select a reliable lip augmentation service that won’t overfill your lips. If you want the best results for your lip augmentation, reach out to a medical spa that works with integrity and expertise, like Avere Beauty.

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