What is Kybella®?
KYBELLA is a naturally occurring acid that aids the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Injected in the chin, KYBELLA destroys fat cells and creates a reduction in fullness under the chin. Avere Beauty offers KYBELLA treatments in Pittsburgh to help remove double chins.
How long does Kybella® last?
Our provider selects several injection sites where Kybella is administered. The process is then repeated one to three months later. Users report noticeable effects after 12 weeks or at least 2 sessions. Maximum results can be seen after six months and are meant to be long-lasting.

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View more KYBELLA results from Avere Beauty on our Instagram and see how you can improve your chin.

How does Kybella® work?
Kybella works by dissolving the fat cells in the submental area which is under the chin. As the cells break apart, your body drains them through the lymphatic system. Deoxycholic acid is a concentrated active ingredient dispersed under your chin.
If you're bothered by fat under the chin. Also known as submental fullness.
You feel the condition makes you look older or heavier than you are.
You don't want to have surgery or get a facelift.
You eat well and exercise and the fullness doesn't go away.

Is Kybella right for me?
If any of these apply to you, Kybella may be right for your treatment. Be sure to consult with your provider about the options for double chin and submental fat.
Alternatives for Submental Fat

shrink submental fat cells with cryolipolysis
Areas Served:
We offer Kybella treatment in the following cities and counties in Pennsylvania.
Cities: Pittsburgh, Cranberry, Fox Chapel, Mt. Lebanon, Sewickley, Export, Squirrel Hill, Moon
Counties: Allegheny
Zip Codes: All zip codes in 30 miles from Pittsburgh